Members Area

Rosie Coleman, Gold Beauty

Honorable Mention (Member/MOE) 2023 AAP

SPS Organization Information

  • SPS By Laws (PDF)
  • Organization Chart (PDF)
  • Application for Board/Chair Position (PDF)
  • SPS Board Members and Chairs (PDF)

SPS Members Only Private Facebook Group

In keeping with the expansion of our pastel society and benefits to our members, we are thrilled to announce that we have created a Private Facebook for Members Only!  A place where we can share ideas, ask questions, collaborate on events, plan plein air small group get togethers, etc.  A way to further engage, connect and support one another in our journey as artists!  Our mission is to focus on creative content that inspires, educates and keeps you informed.

Just by joining the private group, you will receive a 10% Dakota Pastel Coupon!!

Please join us in the SPS Members Only Facebook group